BGramathon is hosted by Rachel @talkdarcytome. It goes from May 17-21 and has 5 reading challenges along with 5 photo challenges. I'm going to be letting you know what the challenges are and showing you my TBR!
*2. The first book in your Instagram feed that you haven't read
3. A book that perfectly matches your 'aesthetic'
4. A book that is the opposite of your 'aesthetic'
5. A book with flowers or Rainbow on the cover
17- TBR
18- Favorite book cover
19- Rainbow Spines
20- #Shelfie
21- Ideal Reading environment
* This comes directly from Rachel's instagram post
The meaning of the word “aesthetic” is up to you! It can mean a few different things. You can read a book that has your plot aesthetic, like if you really have a thing for magic schools- that can count. Or if you don’t normally pick up thrillers- that could count as the opposite! OR it could have to do with the cover. If you love blue books- that counts. If you a hate books with people on the cover- that counts. Basically how I’m interpreting it is what ever makes me/ doesn’t make me want to pick up a book.
I'm only reading 3 books for this, and only fulfilling 3 (or 2) challenges.
I chose this book for challenge 4, the opposite of my 'aesthetic'. I'm not typically a fan of book covers that have full faces on them.
This is a YA Zombie Horror, I love zombies, and zombie movies so hopefully this will be enjoyable.
I cheated a bit for this book, I'm using it for challenge 1 even though I bought this because of BookTube not Bookstagram. I don't buy books from Bookstagram usually, so hopefully this counts!
This will be the second time I'm reading this, it is a YA Historical Fiction. I'm re-reading it so I can read book 2 (in Sept, when the paperback comes out lol)
Now I know this is a 1141 page book, and no I don't plan on finishing it before the 21, but I have the audiobook as well, so maybe I'll get through a good chunk. I am using this for challenge 3, perfectly matches my aesthetic. I am extremely interested in plague books and movies so I'm really looking forward to this.
It is a Horror/Post-apocalypse book.
So there is my BGramathon TBR! If you want updates throughout the read-a-thon I'll be posting on my instagram/twitter!
See you soon!
Happy Reading,